Ratba'a Contracting Company LLC


The personnel of Ratba’a GCC LLC are our most important assets.

Ratba’a GCC LLC will provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment.

The prevention of job-related injuries and    illnesses will be given precedence over other activities.

Good operating practices will safeguard all employees and result in more efficient operations.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility.

All levels of management are responsible for maintaining a safe work environment.

Supervisors are responsible for implementing policy.

Day-to-day activities will be conducted in a safe and healthy manner.

Employees are responsible for performing their tasks in such a way as to not endanger themselves, co-workers, the general public, or the environment.

Ratba’a is committed to Safety Excellence and the goal of Zero Accidents.

The same commitment is expected of all our employees.

Ratba’a policy in safety (After the God’s intent, every accident can be avoided)